PowerLabs Acetylide Explosives Synthesis |
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Acetylide or Carbide salts are the reason why
you should never work acetylene gas with Silver, Copper or Ag/Cu plated utensils:
These unstable
crystalline explosive compounds form with relative ease by the ionic exchange
between acetylene gas and silver or copper salts (reaction outlined below). Silver Nitrate
was chosen as the silver donor for the first synthesis as it is both
readily soluble in water (1 gram per 0,4ml at 25C) and is easily available at
reasonable prices, much like Acetylene gas. Both are perfectly legal and
unrestricted substances.
Below, FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, the manufacture of a
small batch of each is outlined. The entire synthesis takes less than an hour if done
properly. Do not try to scale up the procedure, as these are very sensitive
compounds which are capable of causing great damage in large enough quantities...
It should be noted that although the possession of the compounds required for
this synthesis does not constitute in the infringement of any law, the synthesis of any
explosive compound consists in a serious criminal offence.
Once again I discourage anyone to attempt
these procedures, and if you choose to do so you are doing it at your own risk.
Reactants: |
Materials: |
1g Silver Nitrate (AgNO3(s)) (d. 4.35g/cc) |
100mL Vacuum Filtering Erlenmeyer flask. |
10g Calcium Carbide (CaC2(s)) (d. 2.22g/cc) (unnecessary if acetylene gas is available, as from a welding torch) |
250mL Vacuum Filtering Erlenmeyer flask |
100mL Distilled Water ((H2O)(l)) (d.1g/cc) | 60mL Buchner Funnel. |
50mL Ethanol ((C2H5OH (l)) (d. 0.8g/cc) | Glass tubing, 6mm diameter. |
Rubber corks, rubber tubing. |
The reaction in this lab was carried out in a
specially constructed apparatus, which splits up the reaction in two steps,
which are carried out simultaneously in two reactor vessels. The two reactions
Vessel one, the gas generator (first step), produces Acetylene Gas from
the reaction of Calcium Carbide in water (this is, of course, unnecessary if acetylene
is available from a welding gas tank):
CaC2(s) + H2O(l) => C2H2(g)
+ CaO(s) (300cc of Acetylene gas are produced per gram
of Calcium Carbide)
Than Acetylene Gas reacts with Silver Nitrate in solution to
produce the insoluble Silver Acetylide crystals:
C2H2(g) + AgNO3(aq) => Ag2C2(s) + HNO3(aq)
Silver (Ag+) cation has +1 charge, Acetylide(-C2) anion has -2 charge, simply
exchanging charges gives: Ag2C2, Silver (I) Acetylide.
A note on proportions: Acetylene dissolves 1cc per gram of water at 25C
The apparatus is set up as outlined above with 10 grams CaC2 in the 250mL Erlenmeyer,
50mL water in the buchner funnel and 1 gram of AgNO3 solution in 20mL water on
the 100mL Erlenmeyer. The valve on the buchner funnel is opened so as to provide
a steady trickle of water into the calcium carbide. As the Calcium Carbide reacts with water it produces Acetylene Gas (300 litres
per kilogram) and leaves an insoluble Lime (Calcium Oxide, CaO). Calcium
Hydroxide forms if excess water is used (CaO(s) + H2O(l) => Ca(OH)2(s)).
The acetylene gas travels along the rubber tube and bubbles through the silver
nitrate solution out of the glass tube that goes through the cork.
As the two reactions proceed simultaneously, more calcium carbide is converted
into Calcium Oxide on the left flask, and the brown/black silver fulminate precipitate
forms in the other flask. A brown gas is emitted out of the second flask. This
gas must be properly vented as it consists mainly of Hydrogen and Acetylene, and
is explosively flammable. The reaction takes about 10 minutes to complete, after
which the silver acetylide is removed from the flask, filtered, washed with
100mL of distilled water and 50mL of ethanol, and allowed to dry.
Detonation velocity: 3460 m/s.
Trauzl test: 145cm� (181).
2 kg - 3.4 cm.
Explosion.Temp.: 217� C.
There are 2 other ways of producing Silver Acetylide:
1. Precipitation of SA out of ammoniacial solution
2. Precipitation out of Nitric acid solution
The apparatus and procedures used as exactly the same as outlined above,
except ammonia or Nitric Acid are used instead of distilled water on the small
For 1:
Silver nitrate is solubilized in water and so much Ammonia (-Solution.) is added
until the brownish Silver oxide-precipitate disappears and goes into solution.
Then Acetylene is bubbled into this solution. One can first see a yellow, then
brown, and finally a grey-white precipitate. 5.0 g Silver nitrate yields exactly
3.498 g between 3.521 g SA - according to the formula is of a secondary silver
For 2):
Silver nitrate is in solubilized in water, Nitric acid being added. It appears
just like with the neutral SA a white, flaky precipitate that also is
light-sensitive. Presumed Formula: Ag2C2*AgNO3 or Ag3C2NO3. It is not light
sensitive, unlike the acetylide formed by the method outlined above.
The precipitation of SA in neutral and nitric acid solution goes faster and
cleaner than in ammonicial solution.
Explosive Properties for the ammonia-precipitated silver acetylide are as
Deflagration with release of soot (C) , dull explosion(report). More
shock-sensitive than Mercury fulminate. Detonation velocity: 1880 m/s,
Trauzl test: 132 cm�. Shock-sensitivity: 0,5 kg 15 cm. Explosion. Temp.: 177�
For the nitric acid precipitated Ag2C2 the properties are the same as the water
precipitated acetylide (properties above.) C.
Decompositon Reaction.: Ag2C2*AgNO3 --> 3 Ag + CO2 + CO + 0,5 N2 + 185 cal.
* Stettbacher/Escales, Initialexplosivstoffe
* Federoff, Encyclopedia of Explosives Vol.1
* Kast
* Taylor/Rinkenbach"
explosives are unique in that unlike almost every other explosive known their
detonation results in the formation of absolutely no gases (Ag2C2(s) =>
Ag2(s) + C(s)). The heat liberated is not sufficient to gasify the products and
the explosive effect is entirely due to the rapidity of liberation of heat and
its expansive effect on the adjacent air (this is akin to what occurs in an
atomic bomb, where all the energy output is radiative and the blast results from
the expansion of the surrounding air as it absorbs the energy and heats up).
Silver Acetylide is very sensitive to shock, friction and heat, exploding violently
when ground hard between two solid surfaces or when struck by a solid blow
between two hard surfaces. Upon burning, even single crystals detonate with a
very loud report and substantial shock. Surfaces around the explosive are
stained by metallic silver. The picture to the right shows one gram of the low
power Ammonia precipitated Silver Acetylide detonating over a 10cm diameter
glass dish. Despite the lower velocity of detonation and gas displacement, the
shock was still enough to crush the dish. Click on the picture to watch a short
(208k) video of the detonation.
Other videos:
Acetylide Heat test
(206k): Two small amounts of silver acetylide are dropped on a hot plate first
set to 200C, than to 250C. The first one is a very small amount and detonates in
steps. The second amount is larger and detonates instantly. The sound on the
video is poor because it overwhelms the microphone.
Similar in properties to Silver Acetylide, except
that like Calcium Carbide it is easily decomposed in water. The synthesis has to
be performed very rapidly and the product must be washed thoroughly in anhydrous
ethanol and vacuum desiccated if any reasonable yield is to be had. This
particularly procedure employed a solution of Copper Chloride in dilute ammonia.
The result is a rust colored powder which detonates with a bright orange (due to
carbon) fireball. The detonation is more energetic than for the Acetylide (47%
TNT, as compared to 33% TNT for Ag2C2), but less violent when unconfined.
Click on the pictures to watch the Copper
Carbide detonation video: (696k)
Synthesis adapted by POWERLABS.
Comments? Questions? Don't hesitate to e-mail me!
People have visited this page since 21/04/03
Last update 11/02/10
� 2000-2002 by Sam Barros. All rights reserved. Removing any material from this site for display without consent from its author consists in an infringement of international copyright laws and can result in fines up to $50000 per infringement, plus legal costs. So ASK ME before you remove anything from here. |