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Introduction Secondary Primary
Top Load Spark
Gap Tank Capacitor New:
equi drive and MMC system! Line
Filter Power Supply Completed
Coil Results:
is my 3rd attempt at a Tesla Coil, and this time the main idea was to
build a coil as good looking and efficient as possible. Of
course, living in an apartment, size and power level are limited, so,
instead of making a large, poorly built coil and than pumping ridiculous
amounts of power into it until sparks are obtained, as so many of the
self-acclaimed "coilers" out there do, this project was focused around
a coil that would be small and low power (this brings the added advantage
of safety) but yet would still produce nice sparks due to its high efficiency.
As for the size, I reckon one foot (30cm) is about as large as I can
build and still call it "tabletop", so that was the chosen size. Taking
that and the power level (270Watts) into account, the rest of the coil
was designed to match those two parameters. The final design calls for
a twin (half wave) system, which will completely eliminate the need
for a ground, and will therefore make it completely portable, with zero
setting up time. The twin configuration also produces twice as much
output voltage for any given power, with far lower ground losses (as
there is no ground); this makes it more efficient than the quarter wave
system. In fact, this system has been so successful, that I've had
7 beginners copy my design with similarly impressive results. I am always
willing to help someone with their projects (this is what this page
is for in the first place), so long of course as I get credit for it. Anyways,
here is the system: |
Here is a picture of both secondary coil forms. These were precision
cut from a 3mm thick, 4.2cm
diameter translucent acrylic tube using a table saw, and caps were machined
for them out of 3mm thick acrylic using a Dremel Moto tool with a 30000RPM
angle grinder and sanding wheel attachment. The caps are glued onto
the pipe with cyanocrylate superglue (nothing holds acrylic better)
and filed to perfectly match the pipe's diameter. Each pipe was toughly
cleaned and dried prior to winding, but the coil form itself was not
varnished inside and out -as is a custom with PVC- due to acrylic's
low water absorption coefficient. Acrylic was chosen because it has
a lower R.F. dissipation factor and water absorption coefficient than
PVC, the next choice.
Winding each one of the coils by hand took me about 4 hours. Here you
can see how I did it: I used magnifying glasses to better position the
wire, paper sheets under the coil for it to turn smoother, and rubber
gloves to get a grip on it and to prevent the sweat in my hands from
all those hours of work from getting into the windings, as the mineral
salts and oils contained in sweat may cause all sorts of insulation
problems for a finished coil.
And here you can see the (just) wound coil... Notice how tight those
turns are: The coil shines like a copper tube! The wire used here was
180oC C-class insulation modified polyurethane wire, normally
used for making high temperature transformer and motor windings. Besides
being slightly darker than normal enamel wire, it also has a somewhat
better voltage standoff resistance, which is advisable for high performance
(spark length vs coil winding height) Tesla Coils such as this one.
And here is the finished product... Both coils wound and varnished,
with their copper ground straps on place (not really visible due to
poor lighting on the picture) and their space-wound top inch, which
will be used for further distancing the toroid from the strike rail.
The coils received 4 layers of high gloss Polyurethane varnish each,
with fine sanding between the 3rd and the 4th coat, in order to make
them extra smooth.
Now the Secondary Coil specs:
(note: both coils are identical).
Diameter of secondary coil:
42.00mm (1,65"). Winding length of secondary coil: 254.00mm
(10") (note: Coils are 30cm (1') tall). Aspect ratio (D/H):
1/6. Wire diameter of secondary coil: 0.287mm (29AWG). Spacing
between windings: Approx. 0.00mm. Secondary turns (assuming
98% winding space is filled up): 885.00. Secondary wire length:
116.77m. Secondary inductance: 4.98mH. Self capacitance:
3,79pF Approximate resonant frequency: 1.150MHz Secondary
quarter wavelength resonant frequency with 8.49pF top load: 642.27KHz
To your left you can see
one of the primary coil form segments (number 8, more precisely) marked
and ready for cutting. All segments are made from 4mm thick PP sheet,
and were cut and drilled by hand...
To your right is the finished Primary. Two identical units were built.
The silver plated Litz wire coming out from its right is connected to
the first turn, and a fuse holder is used to tap the required turn (7th
with 1 toroid, 8th with two using 6.8nF capacitance). The first 5 turns
are never used and so were varnished with 3 coats of PU varnish so as
to decrease the possibility of primary-secondary sparks. All turns are
held together with .6mm nylon rope (invisible).
Here is a close up picture of my Primary tap. It is made from a fuse
holder and the cable that connects it is 5mm dia. multi stranded copper
cable, insulated with a 1mm thick PVC jacket.
The Primary
Coil Specifications are the following:
Primary Coil
inner diameter: 6.6cm (2,6") Outer diameter: 24.5cm (9.6") Height:
4.5cm (1.77") Conductor diameter: 5mm (0.197") Length
of conductor: 4.21m (13.82') Inter turn spacing: 5mm (0.2") Total
Inductance: 0,0123mH (0.007mH when tapped at turn 7) Geometry:
Inverse conical with 15degrees slope. Best coupling when the
first turn of the secondary coil is level with the first primary turn.
Attempts to increase coupling resulted in racing secondary sparks. With
the current system it tunes in at turn 7.
4 Toroids were built:
The two used for the twin coils are 5.5cm (2,15") in diameter, and have
a 20cm (8,2") cross section. To your left you can see the materials
used to make those: A 30cm long, 5.5cm diameter flexible aluminium ducting,
a 30 meter roll of heavy-duty aluminium tape, and a 10cm diameter, 5mm
thick polypropylene disk which stays in the center of the toroid and
gives it shape. A second set of toroids was made later, which
employed a 21cm diameter plywood disk as their center, and two tubes
as the actual toroid. These have 26cm cross section and 5.5cm tube diameter.
Here you can see the two finished toroids, covered in aluminium foil
and smoothened with the back side of a spoon... Notice how the middle
is also covered in foil: This makes connections easier, and adds to
the capacitance a bit. In order for single breakout to occur (desirable
as it allows the maximum possible power to be transmitted to the sparks),
the toroid has to be as smooth as possible, otherwise power is wasted
in multiple streamers. Each toroid has a capacitance of about 8,85pF
As I pushed up the power on a single coil I noticed that the voltage
had become so high that streamers were beginning to strike the primary
coil. Therefore a 2 new toroids were built, each employing two tubes
together around a 21cm diameter plywood disk. This new toroid sits on
top of the original one (picture near bottom of the page) and provides
the streamers with more than twice the energy, while at the same time
keeping them away from the primary. It was using this that I obtained
my current spark record for one coil (50cm using the same setup!), with
the added benefit of eliminating primary strikes. The sparks now are
also brighter and hot enough to burn wood! Each one of these has 13pF
total capacitance.
Inspired on a linear adaptation of the classic RQ series static gap,
this gap, which was first designed, I believe, by Terry Fritz, is responsible
in no small part for this coil's excellent performance. It consists
off a 10 section series static gap, air cooled (vacuum style) Each segment
is a 10X 2cm copper pipe, held by four washers (two on each side, one
behind and one after the pipe). These pipes are held by round head screws
on top of a polypropylene box and two fans (one on each end of the box)
suck air through the gaps between the tubes. Connections are made through
1cm wide, 1mm thick multi stranded copper wire and the fans are powered
by a 12V 500mA wall adaptor. It has been run for over 30 minutes at
full (360W) power non stop without overheating or showing any signs
of performance deterioration. It is also incredibly quiet, its sound
being completely downed out by the coil even at the lowest power levels. For
the final version of the twin coil a synchronous
rotary spark gap is being assembled, which will allow the tank capacitance
to be increased and will provide the maximum possible efficiency.

The single coil and the first Twin Coils used the same bank of 4 parallel
TDK UHV�12A 173K
Strontium Titanate doorknob-type pulse capacitors,
from a nitrogen Laser, as is used on the other coil. Each capacitor
is rated at 1.7nF, 50kV and 12A RMS current, giving the bank an overall
capacitance of 0.0068uF, which is less than optimum for mains resonance
on the 9kV transformer the single coil uses (I should be using at least
0.0088uF for it), and just slightly larger than resonant on the 12kV
transformer used on the twins (0,0066uF required for mains resonance). Good
part of this coil's excellent performance is owned to these exceptionally
good capacitors, which are designed to produce high peak currents at
high frequencies with minimal losses. Even after running the coil continuously
at maximum power for half an hour they remain at room temperature. The
low capacitance on the 9kV design gives the coil a very fast break rate,
which is interesting to observe (the sparks can be seen to grow and
move around fast, sometimes even rotating around the toroid). The capacitors
are inter connected by 3mm thick, 15mm wide, 23cm long pure copper buss
bars, and each bank has its own adjustable safety gap at the end of
the final version of the Twin Tesla Coil, both of the capacitor banks
pictured above (to the right) are used in equi-drive configuration,
for 0,0136 uF @ 50kV. The larger tank capacitance allows the use of
larger toroids on both coils on the twin system, and more than doubles
individual spark energy, making the overall performance better and far
more impressive. I hope to implement the equi-drive system shortly.
I decided to sell the coils before I moved to
college in the US, but I did not want to get rid of the capacitors,
so I built an alternative, cheaper capacitor bank. The bank is made
up of 28 individual capacitors each one rated for 47nF at 1kV. The capacitors
are arranged as 2 parallel units with 14 caps each, and is therefore
rated at 14kV, 0.0067uF. One advantage of these capacitors is that they
have a self healing dielectric, so they can run closer to their maximum
design voltage and suffer voltage surges without any permanent damage;
if a dielectric punch trough occurs the metalized layer on the polypropylene
dielectric vaporizes around the arc and the capacitor continues to work
with only a slight decrease in its capacitance...
Usually not necessary on small coils, as they don't have that much power
to go into interference in the first place... When I first ran this
coil I had my computer and stereo system both on and they were unaffected
except for some crackling sounds on the computer's speakers (but not
on the stereo) as the main gap fired. Still, I had those two integrated
line filters left over from a microwave oven transformer that I took
apart and decided to put them in the coil anyways, as any extra protection
wouldn't hurt performance... The result is that I can now run the coil
1 meter from the computer and video it at the same time :)
A 9kV, 30mA (270W) Neon
Sign Transformer (back of the picture), controlled by a 1A variac with
15uF 60Hz power factor correction (last of the cans taped to the variac).
You can see that the variac has the PFC and the line filters taped to
it... It makes the setup a lot tidier... And helps decrease setup time. For
the Twin system a 12kV 30mA neon was later used, as the second coil
allows the system to handle more power.
And here is the completed coil (primary, secondary and the two toroids).
In this picture the ground strap (the wire coming out of the front)
has been connected to the first turn of the primary, completely eliminating
the need for a ground and the possibility of a primary/secondary strike.
This is similar to the Oudin resonator, and there seems to be no performance
loss from doing it on small coils like this one. Still, the Oudin configuration
is only used when a proper ground cannot be obtained as it injects dangerous
AC currents on the output streamers. This configuration achieved a maximum
spark length of 50cm at 270W (9kV 30mA NST), limited by sparks striking
ground. Interestingly enough, the primary coil has never been struck
with the large toroid in place. The sparks go over it and hit the ground
up to 50 cm from where they originated... The excellent e-field (Electrostatic
field) control achieved by the two toroid configuration combined with
just the right coupling eliminates the need for a strike ring, which
would limit performance by actually drawing the sparks towards it.
And to your right is the completed system, ready to be run. From left
to right: 9kV 30mA (270W) Neon Sign transformer, 10 sections series
static gap, 12V battery to run gap fans (later replaced by a wall adapter),
tank capacitor, Tesla Coil.
And here the two identical coils are seen next to one another in twin
configuration. Since there is now twice as much inductance in the circuit,
the tank supply was upped to 360Watts (12kV 30mA), and the tank capacitor
was increased to 0.078uF so as to make tuning with the extra capacitance
possible. The basic setup is still the same, with all the components
laid out as seen above, but now two coils are wired in anti-phase so
that when one coil is positive, the other is automatically negative.
Because there are two coils, twice as much voltage is built up (in this
coil this means 450Kilovolts), resulting in slightly larger sparks and
better performance than a single coil of the same size and input power.
Performance here is limited by the fact that I could not tune in larger
top loads into the system (not enough primary turns). With the new equi-drive
system and two larger toroids this coil is expected to achieve as much
as 70cm (29") spark length. As of today the record is 60cm (2') with,
and 55cm (23") without breakout points. In the background a fluorescent
lamp can be seen.
This coil has surpassed
all expectations and proven to be one of the most efficient Tesla Coils
ever built for its size. At full power (270W), a single coil produces
4 or more simultaneous sparks that could reach out as far as *50cm*
(on a coil that has only 25cm winding height!!!). There is enough energy
in the system to make the sparks white even when they are not striking
ground, and ground strikes are very loud and hot enough to set wood
on fire. The twin configuration produced some even more spectacular
sparks that could occasionally connect at 60cm (2') distance! Overall,
I am very satisfied with this coil and its performance, and I have been
contacted by 4 beginners wanting to get into the hobby by constructing
a coil like this one. This kind of interest assures me that I have really
build something that is impressive and outstanding. The next step from
now will be to double tank capacitance, construct a
synchronous rotary spark gap, and put it
all on its power box with a separate variac. Until than, you may enjoy
the pictures and videos of the coil's current performance (a special
thanks goes to my father for videoing these while I operated the coil).
Below you see a small exposition
of Tesla Coil spark pictures. Run your mouse over them for a brief explanation.

It is interesting to note
that the fluorescent light, one meter away from the coil and therefore
well outside its reach, lights up to maybe 1/3rd its natural brightness
by the electrostatic field alone.
Here the power level on the (single) Tesla Coil is slowly stepped up
from 0 to 100%, and the sparks can be seen to grow gradually until large
ground strikes such as this one are produced. In the middle of the video
arcs can be seen being drawn to a screwdriver which I am holding in
my hand (no, I don't feel any shock from doing this). 1.43MB...
Here the Twin Coil system is seen arcing to 1' (30cm) length with the
lights on. 452KB. Here is an
292KB version of the same video but with the lights off, and the arcing
length increased to 40cm (16.3"). In the middle of the video the safety
gap on the capacitors can be heard firing (a loud snap). If you have
a slow connection or don't have the time to be downloading all videos,
than definitely download this one! Here
is a 708KB version of this video with the lights off and the arcing
length increased to its maximum, 60cm (2')
Two coils in the dark producing (without any breakout point) arcs 55cm
(23") in length to one another. 874KB.
If for some reason you can't
see the videos, leave a note on my guest book so I can look into it.
The videos were compressed with Intel Indeo Codec 5.04 to 85% fidelity,
at 15 frames per second, 176 X 144 resolution, 24 bit color and
44100Hz 16 bit mono sound, and than re-compressed into .mpg format with
XING Mpeg encoder, to its
original format. They are meant to be played full screen.
2,27MB video showing the twin coils operating at full power (360W) on
a tabletop. Arcing distance here is a little over half a meter (20"
or so), limited by the table edge clearance. Notice how thick the arcs
4,16MB video showing the coils operating over the tabletop at full power
for a longer period of time. As with the other video, it shows the coils
running both under lighting (180W incandescent lamps) and at semi-dark,
so that a good perspective of how bright the sparks are can be obtained.
Funny video showing sparks striking a glass bottle I am holding in my
hand. Shows both lights on and lights off. Power level here is sub 80W
and repetition rate is 5 sparks per second. 758KB
Check out the
PRESENTATION given to a physics class with
this coil.
Single Transistor Flyback
The UK Tesla Coilers
group, on its annual meeting at the UK Teslathon. I am the one standing
to the right of the large Tesla Coil, dressed all in black (not the
one crouching down).
Comments welcome:
Mail me, and tell me what you
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