"You built a what?"
"A Jet turbine. You know, from a turbocharger..."
" But why?"
"If you have to ask, your probably won't
understand... But if you insist:
-Because I can."
With your donation, we will put this turbine on a vehicle and produce some
awesome video!
Project Introduction:
For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with engines;
it was largely because of this fascination that I picked Mechanical
Engineering as my current major in University. As far as engines go, there
is nothing quite as impressive as a turbine: the incredible power-weight
ratio they have, the awesome high pitched whine as they spool up to hundreds
of thousands of RPM and of course the supersonic exhaust and the
implications it had in revolutionizing the way we fly today. Although the
precision involved in the making and balancing of centrifugal compressors
and turbine blades is well beyond the realm of amateur science (for now,
anyways), with some
good welding skills and a few conventional parts converting a commercial
turbocharger into a self contained home built turbine becomes a simple task... My
friend Joe Studinger, who is also a Mechanical Engineer at Michigan
Technological University shares my passion for turbines and has helped me
from the start: both financially and at the machine shop in this project.
His help was invaluable in obtaining and creating parts and on getting us both engulfed
in a fireball and losing hair as we attempted -and finally succeeded- to
start up the home made jet for the first time.
On this page you will see how we went about converting a turbocharger into
a homebuilt turbine.
DISCLAIMER: This is a very dangerous project.
Making a turbine deals with handling compressed highly flammable gases and
liquids, and having them plumbed into a source of ignition. Aside from
the fire hazard, the turbine itself has no RPM control whatsoever and
can very easily overspeed and explode into lethal shrapnel. Projects such as
these should only be attempted by trained professionals.
Project Description and Goals:
The initial goal of this project was to construct a reliable turbine from a
diesel truck turbocharger. This essentially entails the creation of a
means to deliver and ignite fuel into a custom made combustion chamber,
creating a high pressure oil delivery system for
the turbo shaft and bearings, a thrust nozzle and all other associated
equipment required to safely and reliably convert the turbo into a self
sustaining turbine. Although we are still working on the "safely and
reliably" (the safety and reliability of anything removed from a
junkyard and made to spin at 60000+RPM as it consumes and
entire tank of propane gas in a couple minutes is questionable at best), now that it works the new project goal
will be to increase its efficiency, evaluate the thrust, and possible
utilize it to propel a lightweight craft.
Whereas most amateur turbine projects employ small turbochargers
removed from car engines, for this project we are using one of the largest
turbochargers you can find anywhere. This Garrett T18A40 was removed from a turbo diesel
V8 semi truck and weights around 50 pounds. The large size of this turbo presented special challenges as far as designing a combustion chamber and fuel
delivery system large enough to feed it, and devising an oil delivery system
with enough flow to keep its shaft and bearing properly oiled and cool at all times. Although it might have been desirable to start off with a smaller turbo, this one
was available and in working condition, which was what prompted us to start the
project in the first place.
Its size should also be advantageous should we decide to power something
with it.
the turbo was first obtained it was covered with thick carbon sooth in the
front and rust on the back. It was impossible to touch it without getting
one's hands black with dirt. The first step in this project was to
completely clean out the engine and remove all rust, carbon sooth and old
lubricating oil from it. Opening up the turbo also gave us a chance to
inspect it for any kind of damage which might compromise the safety of the
Carbon sooth was removed using a petrol based
industrial parts cleaner, rust was removed using an air
grinder and a wire brush and most of the old oil was removed by flooding
the bearing and shaft housing with light lubricant oil and flushing it out
with high pressure air repeatedly. The turbo housing was not opened so as
to preserve the original seal since everything seems to run fine as it is
(no shaft play whatsoever).
Chamber, flame tube and fuel delivery:
Vehicle turbochargers work by harnessing the power of hot gases
expanding out from the engine exhaust to turn a turbine which in turn
drives a compressor through a common shaft. The compressor pumps high
pressure air into the engine which boosts its power output and makes more
hot compressed gases available to the turbine, essentially providing
nearly unlimited amounts of power boost until the turbocharger wastegate
or blow off valve opens and bleeds off excess pressure into the atmosphere
or back into the intake. Essentially, in order
to convert a turbocharger into a self sustaining turbine all that is
needed is to provide it with another source of hot gases to drive the
turbine from. By attaching a combustion chamber to the turbine and feeding
it with air from the turbo compressor the turbine is able to burn fuel and
drive itself to extremely high RPMs, being limited essentially only by how
much fuel can be combusted in the chamber and how quickly the
blades can spin before they catastrophically fail and fly apart. Turbine combustion chambers are very intricate designs which involve a
deep knowledge of thermodynamics, flame and combustion dynamics, heat
transfer, materials science and fuel chemistry. Through computer modeling
it is possible to optimize these factors so as to achieve very high
performance in a package that is both lightweight and reliable. For our amateur
purposes weight and reliability are secondary to price and ease of
construction; as such, our challenge was to approximate the required
parameters and adapt the desired design to fit existing materials. The
final combustion chamber design is welded from exhaust pipes and scrap
iron and measures 6 x 16 inches; the length and diameter being determined
mainly by the spray pattern of the nozzle used. Liquid propane gas is injected from an oil burner furnace nozzle
through the top of the combustion chamber, its pressure regulated by the gas tank
itself. We found that even at the maximum setting the propane tank simply
couldn't keep up with the enormous fuel consumption of the turbine, and
our solution was to tip the propane tank upside down so as to make
liquid propane flow into the nozzle. The liquid propane is a lot denser
and fuelled the turbine flawlessly. The unfortunate side
effect of flowing liquid propane out of the tank is that even a relatively
large 10lb tank is completely consumed in a matter of minutes through this
fashion. Also, the tank becomes very cold as it empties and as the
pressure drops the combustion in the chamber becomes unstable and the
turbine sputters a lot (this is mainly a factor when the tank is nearly
empty). A few factors worth noting are the offset compressor input for
turbulence and a swirling airflow, and the non optimal turbine combustion
chamber mating at the bottom of the chamber; the round_into_rectangular
transition creates horrendous turbulence in an area of rapid gas flow, but
is unfortunately unavoidable due to the turbine design.
The flame tube is said to be a very critical part of any combustion
chamber design. Others have spent countless hours trying to figure out a
"perfect" pattern to arrange the holes so as to maximize combustion
efficiency. We found that stuffing a 3" diameter x 16" 305 stainless steel
perforated mesh tube securely into the chamber worked very well; the mesh
becomes yellow hot after a couple of seconds and allows the combustion to
self-sustain. Details on the mesh are as follows: Type 304 Stainless Steel
Perforated Sheet, .1875" Hole Dia, 51% Open Area, 20 Ga. Price was
the main deciding factor on this.
Ignition System and Start Up:
the idea was to use an automotive spark plug to ignite the fuel inside the
turbine. A simple 555/2N3055 ignition coil
based high voltage generator would suffice for that. We didn't get it done in time, so
instead we opted to use a can of Ethyl Ether carburetor starter, spraying
the flaming liquid right into the intake with the turbine spooled up and
propane flowing into the chamber. It resulted
in Joe and I being engulfed by flames, me burning hair off my arm and
getting blisters on my hand, a lighter being melted, hoses burned and the
test stand catching on fire multiple times. It did work, but a proper
ignition system was badly needed. Currently the turbine is started through
a barbecue piezo-electric igniter; a porcelain insulator is epoxied into
the combustion chamber with high temperature epoxy and a high voltage wire
is run from the insulator to the wall of the combustion chamber. The
turbine is spooled up with a leaf blower, propane gas is allowed to flow
into the combustion chamber and the blower is then removed while the
starter sparks inside the combustion chamber. As the turbine spools down
an optimal air/fuel ratio mixture occurs inside the chamber and it ignites
with a loud backfire. The leaf blower is then brought back into the
turbine, gas flow is increased, and as soon as the turbine is heard
spooling the leaf blower can be turned off and it will self sustain.
For fellow experimenters: I find that Dermoplast� Anesthetic pain relieving spray works
well on superficial burns, should you decide to go the ether route. Deeper
burns may require a doctor's visit though; save on health insurance and
build a proper igniter.
Delivery System:
In its original automotive application the turbocharger obtains
lubricating oil directly from the engine oil delivery system, which keeps
its shaft and bearings well supplied and able to run reliably for years.
On a turbine the turbocharger is run at much higher RPMs and operates at
higher temperatures, both of which place enormous stress on bearings and
moving surfaces. Without a reliable oil delivery system the bearings are
sure to burn out very quickly, particularly if the oil is not injected at
a high enough pressure that it makes its way into the bearings when high
loads push for destructive metal-to-metal contact. In this project a
Subaru '86 power steering pump (a vane pump) supplies 5-30 synthetic oil
(we are currently looking for a lower viscosity oil) from its built in reservoir into a large diesel truck intercooler and through the turbo.
Oil pressure is monitored through a gauge and can be regulated by closing
a throttling valve. The design pressure for the system is >50PSI,
though it is capable of
pressures well over 100PSI. Copper gasketing material is used to maintain
seals on all mating surfaces, and a drill is used to turn the pump.
The pump, cooler, gauge, valve and associated plumbing cost $80 and parts
were obtained at a scrap yard and hardware stores. We are currently
looking into having an oil filter installed since the turbine seems to
really foul up the oil (again because of blown bearing seals).
order for the turbine to be safely operated a few key parameters must not be
exceeded: due to the self-sustaining nature of induction fed engines, a turbine is
perfectly capable of spinning itself to complete destruction when fed enough
fuel. In order to prevent this the turbine is fitted with a pressure
gage to monitor turbo boost pressure. Lubricating oil pressure is also
monitored to ensure it remains high enough for the bearings. Soon we also
plan on implementing an EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature) probe and hopefully also a tachometer,
although one needs to be designed specifically for this purpose (optical
pickup with a pulse counter). Remote fuel
shut off valves are employed for added safety and fuel inlet pressure
will be monitored through a regulator once we begin running higher speed
During our first tests we had no instrumentation whatsoever and had to listen to the turbine carefully from behind a brick wall and close the gas valve when it
started getting too fast. Now we can see through the boost gage that we are
not even near the maximum rated output of the compressor, and will thus
start upping the throttle. Knowing how fast it is spinning is definitely an important safety
asset and one we'll hopefully be implementing by the next test run.
Nozzle and afterburner:
By itself the thrust obtained out of the back of a turbocharger is
relatively small due to the low velocity of the gases leaving the large
diameter outlet and dispersing quickly. With the addition of a nozzle it is possible to
concentrate the exhaust gases and thus accelerate them in a fast stream which is
far more
efficient at producing thrust. Our initial runs were performed without a
nozzle, and resulted in a compressor inlet pressure of only 5psi. We
postulated that perhaps the low compressor pressure was due to lack of
backpressure on the turbine end; the solution was to weld up a very quick
and dirty nozzle; an 8 inch long 5.5 inch diameter pipe with a cut off
funnel at the end resulting in a 3" diameter exhaust. We also took the
opportunity to weld a fuel inlet in the beginning of the nozzle to serve
as afterburner; this inlet is fed from a second propane tank. It worked,
and the turbine makes a LOT more noise and shakes violently with the
afterburner on, but compressor pressure is still only 5psi, which
indicates that our fuel supply is simply not enough to sustain higher rpms.
The welds on the nozzle also blew out and allowed a lot of pressure to
leak, but that's to be expected from such a quick and dirty set up. We are
currently working on a better nozzle.
We found this at a local junkyard; It weighs about 40 pounds and is a
welded steel tubular frame from a Honda electric generator. All the turbine
part fit in it perfectly and it is heavy enough that we don't have to worry
about the turbine leaving our test site.
Testing and development:
After all the parts had been gathered for the fuel and oil system and the
combustion chamber was welded together the project sat gathering dust for
almost a year. On Friday October 1st 2004 I called Joe and asked if he
wanted to work on the turbine. On Saturday 2nd we arrived at the machine
shop at 9AM and In 10 hours we cut, milled and ground brackets for the turbine
and pump, drilled and threaded the injector, constructed a flame tube,
welded the brackets into the test stand and bolted everything up. We ended
up having to use tie wraps for the oil pump and using a drill to run it, but
it worked. That night we test fired the turbine for the first time.
Joe initially thought that it would be impossible to ignite the turbine
without an ignition system. I suggested that by drilling a pilot hole on the
combustion chamber we could hold a torch up to the hole and get it started
like that. Having seen this trick work with potato cannons, I figured it'd
be a good bet. It didn't work, so I knew it was time to take out the
carburetor starter. Joe said it was too dangerous, I agreed, then took out
the fire extinguishers, burn cream, and got to work. The turbine gets up to
speed quickly with a leaf blower held up to the intake; then the oil pump is
turned on and the gas valve is opened. Once gas starts coming out the
exhaust ether is sprayed into the intake and ignited. After a second or two
of spraying flaming ether into the intake the flame makes its way into the
combustion chamber and the turbine backfires with an explosion. Its easy to
tell it has started because the pitch of the exhaust noise changes. Once the
turbine is started we let it warm up for a couple of seconds, then increase
the gas flow by tipping the propane tank upside down so as to allow liquid
propane to flow into the combustion chamber. The first time we did this the
turbine spun up so quickly, and got going so fast we thought it was headed for
immediate self destruction. On the video you can hear me yelling "KILL IT,
KILL IT" to Joe so he will shut off the gas before the turbine gets going
any faster. On the subsequent runs we were a lot more careful with the
throttle and managed to keep the turbine running at what seemed like a more
reasonable speed. The entire propane tank ran out by the end of our 3 rd
run; you can see the turbine sputtering and spitting fire out of the exhaust
as it runs out of gas.
The videos are all .MPG, filmed at VHS resolution (640 x480), so they are
rather large. The quality is well worth it though.
"ITS TOO FAST": (15s, 5.23MB) The
first time we got the turbine to work. At the end of the video Joe says
"liquid is the way to go", referring to the fact that we were running liquid
propane into the combustion chamber.
"Out of gas": (50s, 11.4MB) A couple
nice close up shots of the turbine running as it runs out of gas. The turbo
sputters, backfires, and then flames out with a nice whiny spool down sound.
This is the video the frame on the left was captured from.
Turbine Night Test: (50s, 8MB).
Filmed on Saturday, Oct. 9th. This is the last video of our second series of
tests; the turbine now has copper gaskets all around, electrical ignition,
improved oil system and turbine compressor inlet. The video begins with the
turbine being started (leaf blower running, gas on, oil on, the sparker is
hit and the turbine starts with a "FOOMP!"). Then the gas is turned up and
it spools up quickly, hitting 3-4PSI (pressure gage close-up). We give it
full throttle and the turbine screams at high speed. Then gas is cut off and
you can hear it spool down from a close up of the exhaust.
We have found that at full throttle, with the propane tank upside down,
the turbine will not exceed 5PSI of boost. This is a clear indication that
the fuel system is simply incapable of coping with the ever increasing fuel
demands of the turbine at higher speeds. In order to reach the 30PSI+ (@60
000RPM+) this turbine is capable off we will need a larger fuel injection
nozzle and possibly a larger propane tank. Stay tuned for more updates...
Turbine tests with nozzle and afterburner: We have welded a 5.5" diameter x
8 inch long pipe with a 3" diameter outlet at the end to serve as a nozzle.
Afterburner fuel is propane from a second tank injected towards the turbine
7" from the nozzle. With a nozzle and afterburner on the turbine shakes and
backfires violently, and the test stand is beginning to drag itself on the
ground. Things are starting to get exciting! Low quality video afterburner test
(42s, 2.35MB) the turbine is allowed to spool up and the afterburner is
High quality video
afterburner test (51s 17.7MB) Turbine running with the afterburner on.
The camera man runs back when it spools up. Its hard to capture on film how
violent the turbine really is when it is running; it is frightening to be
close to it at full throttle.
always, more to come..
Unfortunately the bearing seal on the turbocharger is completely
gone (probably the reason why it was scrapped in the first place), which
explains all the smoke seen on the videos; it actually went through almost two
quarts of oil in 2 minutes. We are looking into replacing the bearings,
but it may be too much of a hassle, in which case we'll just keep running it
until it destroys itself and then obtain a new one. Either way, just
listening to the turbine spin up to speed and whine like a jet made it well
worth and the time and money that went into this project.
Future Research:
Although we won't know if the turbine will have enough thrust to move
any kind of vehicle
until after we are done with the nozzle and afterburner, we have a
fiberglass boat that we can try it out on if it turns out to be powerful enough. Eventually we
would also like to attempt running the turbine on alternative fuels such as
cooking oil... After being done with this turbine I plan on moving on into
building a pulsejet and then a Hybrid rocket engine.
Comments? Mail me. People have visited this page since 01/07/03. Last updated
� 2002 -2004 by Sam Barros. All rights reserved.
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